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Are You Missing Out?

As we grow, we become involved in many things. Some are things of our own choosings, and others are things which are thrust upon us. In either case, we have not much choice in how we handle these life occurrences. We either take them for all that they are worth and have to offer, and use them to charter our courses, or we succumb to all that they have brought down upon us, and allow them to dictate our lives. You might be surprised that you are probably more victim than victor much more than you realize.

Yes, this is a short chat about dance, and not an ethereal walk down Spiritual Way to Enlightenment Boulevard. [insert Angelic "AAAHHH!!!" here] Most of us dance as often as we can. When asked why, the replies are typically the same... ranging from some exegesis worthy of a Buddhist monk to "I dunno'; ...just like it, I guess". Dance has so many unknown or underutilized benefits that could better our lives, both, on and off the floor. Here, we discuss one of the more important, yet most often overlooked.

We all understand the necessity for good posture, though very few of us really get how important to everything it is. We spend much more time off of the dance floor than on, but often only think of 'good posture' when we are dancing. Worst yet, some of us even allow ourselves to slouch more when dancing because we think that we are "...gettin' down..." Do you know that your posture affects not only the way you stand, but the way you sit, and the way you MOVE? If we have poor postures, we are more likely to walk badly, turn badly, stretch and sway badly, even move our arms badly.

"But Wait; there's more! Yes, for the price of one bad posture, you'll even receive turning your head badly! Right now, this unbelievable body mess can be yours for just the price of one, yes one, poor posture!" (badly worn dance shoes not included).

If the spine is out of alignment (not held straightly and highly over the center of the arches of

the feet), then the shoulders tend to roll forward causing the arms to hang in an unnaturally forward manner. This often causes the hands to turn inward (palms facing backward). Further, this malady displaces the weight over the hips, which is the cause of improper usage of the feet and legs. The unnatural displacement of weight comes full circle to falling onto, rather than being rolled over and through, the feet and legs as intended. We have learned through Dancekinesis how to discover our bodies' most perfect postures (longueural axis) and natural balances (CPA).

The probleme: We often only think of it when dancing.

The cure: Do it all of the time... on and off of the dance floor!

Improving your posture off of the floor will improve the way you carry your weight when walking and moving about your daily activities. The way that the body is held will affect the way that the arms, legs, and even head will move atop of and around the spine. You will increasingly become more aware of the added benefit learned from dancing that this will have on your everyday life. You will feel better. You will look better. Others will perceive you differently, which will affect your social and business interactions. There are practically no limits to the extended benefits of improving your posture the DK way.

Begin here. Look at the graphic and determine which body type you are.

From the left, Figure 1 is 'Not Good'. Though straight up, the weight is carried too far back causing the walk to be flat-footed. Figure 2 is 'Slouched'. This causes the weight to be carried too lowly in the chest, or Core Triangle, resulting in placing the feet down too heavily when walking. The center figure shows a Lordosis, or 'Hollow Back'. The curvature of the lower lumbar creates a poor posture and often intermittent back, sciatic, and leg pain.The knees and feet are picked up (from the thigh area) and placed/plopped. Arms seem to droop and swing lifelessly and uninvolved. Figure 4 carries the posture and weight too far forward. The feet and legs are picked up, swung, and placed (from the hip areas) when walking. The arms are often lifted unnaturally as well.

Figure 5 shows the posture to be upright and slightly forward (over the arches of the feet would be a proper CPA). The weight rolls evenly from the ball of the back foot and over the heel of the front, and the arms swing gently from center. (vertical axis). Bravo! After mastering this, when you return to the dance floor, you will find that your movement will become easier, your efforts will become lighter, your distances will become greater... all because you are standing more correctly. It is promised that the body will feel better; and, this, will lead to a more fun-filled dance life.

Good posture is only one of the primary benefits of wanting to be a good dancer. There are virtually countless other benefits to be gained from dancing if we are interested in truly learning to dance. Sadly, we too often miss out on the rewards that dancing has to offer because we are either mislead to believe or forget that "Dance is not steps; it is the movement in-between the steps." This, and other "Angelisms (c) " which will help you to find the many benefits of good dance can be found and/or purchased in notebook form on the website; As always, please, please, write us at with comments and questions, or simply leave them at the website.

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